This week my daughter has been asking where her best friend/cousin is....i told her it takes time to heal & come to terms with loosing someone you love & she will be back at school when she feels ready....my daughter read the death notices in the paper yesterday and started to understand how her cousin was feeling loosing her uncle..we talked about all the different processes of emotions we tend to go through such as shock....helplessness...anger...sadness and feeling alone or depressed and that its ok to cry, kick or scream as much as you like as they are your feelings and no one can tell you they arent!
Today i tackled my first ever sympathy cards....it was so hard to do
I also did a layout of my son & his cousin playing with another cousins doll house..because boys like doll houses too you know!
I am entering it over at getting cricky with K andrews blog challenge to use PENS!
If you want to have a go to head on over to her blog!
Thanks for stopping by
♥ from Me
Hope Your Day Is...
5 years ago