Hi all
Today i made some cute retro bot bookmarks. They are for some kids i help a few times a week in a program called multi lit. Its coming up to the end of term so thought of things i could get them...unsure if chocolate eggs or lollies are allowed so i went with the obvious!! BOOKMARKS!! Afterall we do a lot of reading, sight words & spelling together ....& i hope they like them enough to inspire them to open a book & pop it inside!
Here is a close up of the cute retro bots
I also did a set of stick figure car decals for my sister.....i hope she puts them up soon & i will go visit & take a pic....she had my son this afternoon at a cousins birthday party so couldnt get a pic today! I did make my cousins boy a birthday card...he turned 11 today...there is 8 months difference between our 2 boys.
The flash made it look washed out & pinkish...but its red with black & a green guitar & yellow circle
Here is my sad attempt at the Eiffel tower.....I'm having such a hard time getting this together & staying together.....after i get it stuck together i will then attempt to make it pretty! So far all I've done is paint it black & glimmer misted it ....its a nightmare & i doubt i would attempt to make another in the future.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend
♥ from Me
Hope Your Day Is...
5 years ago
Ive heard this is sooooooooooooo hard to get together Michelle! You have done a fabbo job!!!!