The weekend went so fast!! We took the kids to Bunnings for an easter activity. They made the cutest easter bunny containers from mdf....they only had to paint them & put them together which is always a good thing when doing activities with kids...they seem to have short attention spans in large groups of kids!!
After that i went to my parents as it was my brothers birthday. Kids had a good time playing with their cousin. When i got home i started on my easter cards...i found the cutest easter digi stamp on someones blog that they had as a freebie! So ive coloured those in & will get onto completing those soon.
On sunday i started organizing what the easter bunny is going to bring the kids & also easter gifts we are giving to family. My nephew who just got his learners for driving also dropped by unannounced with his girlfriend ( who i hadnt met before) and my brother. Im not a huge fan of people dropping by without warning as most days my house gets so messy with kids stuff i had easter & craft stuff everywhere..i felt so embarrassed meeting his girlfriend for the first time in my messy house!
After they left i then got my son & i ready for the Fremantle dockers football game...we had to be there by 2.30 as the junior members had a football clinic on the oval before the game started. We got dropped off at fremantle train station & caught it in to subiaco oval. My little man is a train freak so of course daddy had to come in to the station with us as we boarded the train & seeing his face so excited as we left made my day!
The junior members got to go through the players tunnel & changerooms & into age groups for out on the oval for the clinic. After the clinic was over they all got given a few drinks of chocolate & strawberry milks & a poster of the team. We then made our way back to the other side of the oval to where our seats are & waited for my brothers to arrive before the game. It was the purple haze game so everyone was encouraged to wear purple & to donate to the starlight foundation which helps kids. They let out a huge amount of purple balloons into the sky as the team ran out & through their banner. They played against adelaide & fremantle totally won the game!! it was fantastic! We sit behind the cheer squad & they go nuts when the team gets a point & a goal!!
It was a great weekend ...but it did go so fast!!
♥ from me