Well I have had such a busy week & only just got to do the challenge yesterday
Head on over to Scrappy go lucky to see what carts you can use this week ...but hurry as its nearly closed for this week!!
Here is my entry using the only cart i had on the list...B is for Boy
Im slowly getting all my kids baby photos done...i don't think i will ever finish!!
I used some Sawyer's Place Washi tape....i do love that hearts & clouds washi!!
I also made a vinyl sticker to put on my kids files for school...I used some Brushed silver metal look vinyl using rock princess & i think it was basecamp for the words
The weather here in Western Australia has been a bit strange...the other day we had a wild thunderstorm...we were out in it as my kids had swim lessons down at the beach ...but im not insane..i made them stay in the car as the lightning & thunder crashed around us & my husband went to see if they had been cancelled or not...crazily they were not but there was no way i was letting my precious kids out into the weather!!! As it was as we just got up the street the car got pelted with lots of rain & hail & massive flashes of lightning & the wind was very strong!
This pic i took from our car shows how flooded the roads became along with turf farms being underwater in a matter of minutes...the tree shows just how crazy the wind was blowing!
I am going to do some washing today & then maybe get my scrap on!!
The new list is up for the week ahead over at scrappy go lucky...so im off to read what carts i might have!!
♥ from Me
Hope Your Day Is...
5 years ago