well for the last few months ive been on the hunt for etching cream....i went everywhere to find some but had no luck! I then searched ebay again & found some.....i needed it to make my grandmas 90th birthday present for this weekend....i had given up on the idea as i didnt think there would be a chance it would arrive here within 2 days from over east...but it arrived this morning!!
I have never etched before so was surprised at how easy it is....i used contact ( my vinyl also hasnt arrived from overseas yet) & my cricut & i had a few glasses & vase ready to be etched!!
Here is the Glass
& a photo of the etching cream on the glass...i scrapped off the excess & put it back into the bottle before rinsing the glass in water to remove the remaining etching cream.
I also did a vase/candle holder with a dragonfly & grandmas year of birth 1921. I used Storybook cart & i cant think if it was gypsy wandering for the dragonfly or not.
I cant believe grandma is going to be 90 in a few days time....she is amazing!!
Western Australia is supposed to get a cyclone come through in the next few days...im hoping it passes us & doesn't cause any damage to anyone or anything.....stay safe everyone!!
♥ from Me
Hope Your Day Is...
5 years ago