Im so excited i got an email saying i won the prize for the blog hop i did last week!!! Im so excited....those ladies are so talented ♥ Cant wait to see what i get in the mail for awhile there i was thinking i was having bad luck!!
Blog hops are so much fun....if anyone knows of any aussie blog hops let me know!!
This butterfly was fluttering by in the garden the other little man was so impressed with it that i had to go inside & get my camera....i was glad it was still on the tree when i returned or i was sure he would have been in tears if mummy didnt get a picture!!
Also this afternoon my dh tried my ph's card in his phone & it works!! so now all i need is a new certain the battered battery & backing of this phone isnt fixable but im so glad i have my credit back....still a little sad that i lost my little mans baby cries....i never got around to putting them on the computer so for all those out there take note....COPY ALL YOUR PHOTOS & RECORDINGS FROM YOUR MOBILE to your computer just incase you chuck it in the washing machine!
im still excited about the blog hop!! yay!!!
♥ from Me
Hope Your Day Is...
5 years ago